A place to share your ideas and collaborate on features.
Add a change log page so user can see what has been added / fixed in each version
Add an AI service advisor to help write stories on work orders for customers
The ability to invite new team members
Add a rich text editor that can be used for notes and descriptions
Add a appointment booking system
Sign up with magic link is redirecting to localhost
A reporting module that lets you see how the shop is doing daily, weekly, monthly etc.
Turn work orders and estimates into invoices
Create work orders and estimates
Add a blog so we can post articles about the automotive industry.
Allow users to setup a team and invite users to join
Allow users to sign up and mange their account.
A tool that will decode a VIN and provide all the details about the vehicle.
A page for add, editing and managing vehicles.
Page for adding, editing and managing customers.
The ability for techs to submit vehicle inspects from a phone or tablet
The ability to send and receive text messages